Sunday, 11 December 2011

How do audiences access the text across three platforms?

Who are Super 8's target audiences and how do you know?
The age of people this is aimed at are 12 to around people aged 30 as 12 is the certificate of the film - therefore, thats who its more suitable for and the fact that the film revolves around a group of pre teen friends, but as the film is set around the 70's/80's it appeals to an older audience as its may feel nostalgic to them and remind them of their chilhood. It's also quite a family orientated film so would appeal to families.

How is Super 8 promoted to it's target audience(s) through:


This is by it being published in a variety of publications aimed at different aged audiences. Adverts of it were published in magazines/publications aimed at pre teens - teenagers so that it was available for them to see. To this taget audience the appearance of it would be quite simplistic to appeal more to a younger audience - with more images and a bit less writing, But also put into more mature publications such as reviews in broadsheet newspapers (The Guardian) and in magazines such as Empire, etc. And this would contain a much more wordy appearance with less images. Additionally, bold, simplistic posters in the cinema were also used to inform people already at the cinema about the film, and this is targeted universally to all cinema-goers.

Print mainly reach and appeal to older audiences as some like traditional (hard-copy) print but also the detail it goes into as the acticle - for instance - is final, all the relevant information has to be included and published in it. Therfore it tends to be quite wordy anf detailed, consequently, it doesnt appear much to the younger audience. The only time it could appeal is though posters/billboards as they are bold and eye catching, making a younger audience pay attention to it and notice it.


Firstly, where the trailer of Super 8 would need to be considered. For the younger end of the target audience the trailer would have been shown on the kids channels but also inbetween kids/pre teen/teenage tv shows using the advertisements in order to appeal and inform them about the film. Likewise, to inform the older audience of Super 8, it was show inbetween mainstreem shows and family shows. Additionally, interviews from the cast members were broadcasted on different shows with different target audiences to appeal to a wide range of people.

This is one of the most universal platforms and can appeal to a majority of the public due to the fact that a high majority of people have TV and watch them regularly. Additionally, there are a wide range on channels a trailer or interview can be shown on depending on who they want to aim it at.


This is an effective way of appealing to a wide audience as there are many sub platforms this has. Reviews and interviews can be published on film websites which are aimed at a older audience. Exclusive pictures, videos, etc appeal to all the target audiences as they are simple for people to under stand. But the more interactive aspects such as games, activites would appeal more to a younger audience.

The use of this platform appeals more to a youthful audience as it's the most interactive out of the three - and this is what a younger audience find more appealing and a more fun and exciting way to find out more information. You are able to be selective of the information you need - so you dont need to look at other pages and sections of you havent specifically searched for them. And interactive trailers and games are availible to play. However, an older audience can find this platform really helpful as well as there is much more information available on the internet than print or broadcast and can be highly detailed.

They all promote Super 8 and appeal to their target audience  They all contain the basic similar inforamtion.

E-media is much more interactive and has a vast range of information. They appeal to their target audience in different ways using different methods.

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