- Cinema (Movie Trailer) This was the trailer that was shown in cinemas as well as the shortened one being broadcasted on TV in order to inform people of it.
- The DVD of Super 8 is now available in Amercia and will be released in the UK on the 12th December, 2011. This is a picture of the DVD as it was shown from amazon.co.uk
- This was an interview on the "Late Show With: David Letterman broadcasted on American TV. It is with a cast member - Kyle Chandler, who plays the dad in the film. This broadcast is effective in that; David Letterman in a famous and iconic talk show host im America, and therefore, this appearance will already have many veiwers watching it.
- http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HCGo-u_rePY This was a live broadcast on E! (Entertainment Channel) which showed the events on the red carpet along with interviews with the cast members and director.
- 'Super 8' Interview: The Boys http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=smylfYKH7Ss. An interview with the boys - cast members - on "Hollywood
- Review from Empire Magazine http://www.empireonline.com/reviews/review.asp?FID=136812
- "It’s nowhere close to E. T. — what is? — but amongst the hullabaloo of summer, Super 8 is something to cherish: a beautifully made homage to better times, and better movies." - Ian Nathan
- Review from the Telegraph http://www.telegraph.co.uk/culture/film/filmreviews/8682243/Super-8-review.html
- "Super 8 remains a superior demonstration of summer-movie pyrotechnics, but it lacks heart. Joe's deployment f New Age healing maxims to repel the aliens actually plays as less sincere than the finale of Independance Day" - Sukhdev Sandhu
- "With Super 8, J.J. Abrams' Allure Strikes Again" http://www.wired.com/magazine/2011/05/pl_screen_abrams/ - An article from "Wired" magazine.
- MTV Blog - On Super 8 http://moviesblog.mtv.com/2011/06/13/super-8-credits-the-case/
- http://www.scariestthingieversaw.com/ A spin off website in which fans of the trailer found a hidden message which led to this website.
- http://www.rottentomatoes.com/m/super_8/ Rotten Tomatoes gives everyday film lovers and normal people a chance to write their own reveiws and thoughts of the film as well as established film critics.
- This is the teaser trailer of the film, of which, fans of it found the secret message in it - leading them to the secret website accociated to the film. Additonally, the teaser trailer helped bring people in as it was quite vague and therefore inticed people in to want to watch it.
- An example of Portal 2 - This is a video of the interactive trailer available for fans and people who want to watch the film to interact with. It allows them to become more involved with the film and they storyline of it.
- The extended trailer, this is more likely to be watched online as it is not often broadcasted. People who really want to see the film are more likely to want to find it over the internet.
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