Tuesday, 6 December 2011

How are texts in the three platforms constructed?

How is it promoted?

Super 8 is promoted by print by mainly the posters and billboards of it whcih are displayed in various places (cimenas, streets, busses, etc) to catch peoples eyes and intreque them - imforming them of the film and making people want to watch it. In addition to this, articles and reviews of Super 8 are published in newspapers and magazines - in the entertainment sections - but also in film specific magazines such as Empire. Print can also include reviews, cast information, certificate, etc. It can either be formal or unformal - this depends on the publication or where the advert is. If there is a reveiw in a magazine such as Empire or a newspaper like The Guardian - you would expect it to be more formal as they are respected and the reviewers are established and respected. However, if it was in something like and unestablished publication for film reviews, they can afford to be less formal as they would want to see less formal to appeal more to the person reading.

By using boradcasting, Super 8 can be promoted in an effective way. It's effective in that broadcasting targets the mass public and therefore, there not many people that can miss it. The fact that trailers are played during advertisement breaks during TV shows - practially daily - make people aware of the film and make people want to watch it. Additionally, there are TV shows which are based on the film - explaining about the film, what it's about, the cast, etc. But also shows - such as talk shows like "Late Night with David Letterman or The Johnanthan Ross show - which help to promote the film by doing interveiws with cast members or the director. With broadcast, they would mainly be more unformal and friendly - using easily understood language - this makes the interview more accessible and appealing to a normal audience. The creates a more personal and relaxed atmosphere between the inteveiwer and the interveiwe, which consequently would make the actor or director seem more natural, likable and talkative to the audience, the find out more about the film and like the people which will make them want to watch the film.

E Media is another vital way in which the film Super 8 can get out to its audience. It does this by having its own website - http://www.super8-movie.com/# - in which fans can go onto it to find out more about the film, veiw exclusive videos, look at pictures, etc. There are also interactive features such as games - for instance there is the one in which you can edit pieces/bits of the Super 8 movie. Additionally, using youtube.com mainly, people can check out the extended trailer which gives people more information about the film and will make people want to watch it. This is the most interactive of all the platforms containing extra videos, images, games, audio, articles, etc being accessible. It is effective in that the people can select what they want to see and wont be looking at any irrelevant stuff.

The similarities between these platforms are:
All of the media platforms - in one way or another - all promote Super 8 and are effective in doing so. Additinally, they are all easily accessible.

The differences between these platforms are:Broadcasting and E-Media are digital formats which is different to print - with it being digital you are able to get much more information into the platform, with print; it's just static and final. You can interact if it's digital - this applies more to E-media. Even though they are all accessible - print is probably the least, as nowadays, the internet is 'always at our fingertips'. With print, you may just come across it cooincidentally or you would have to go and buy the publication.

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